
2022 - Structureflex Egypt

Dabaa Canopy

Procurement, Fabrication and Erection of the structural steel works for steel canopy.

2022 - RME Rowad Modern Engineering & G investment (Joint Venture)

SeaShell Playa Resort in North Coast

Design, Procurement, Fabrication and Erection of the structural steel works for 4 Concierge Buildings.

2022 - RME Rowad Modern Engineering

15,000 Olympic Multi-Sports Hall in New Capital

Design, Procurement, Fabrication and Erection of the structural steel works for VVIP Entrance of the Olympic 15,000 Multi-Sports Hall.

2021/2022 - RME-G Rowad Modern Engineering & G investment (Joint Venture)

SeaShell Playa Resort Project in North Coast

Design, Procurement, Fabrication, and Erection of steel structure and cladding of the storage warehouse.

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2021/2022 - RME-G Rowad Modern Engineering & G investment (Joint Venture)

SeaShell Playa Resort Project in North Coast

Design, Procurement, Fabrication and Erection of the structural steel works for Ghazala Gate – Helical Stair.

2021 - Archirodon Construction (Overseas) Company Limited

Sidi Krir Power Station – 750 MW Combined Cycle

Design, Procurement, Fabrication and Erection of the structural steel work in discharge area.